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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to install Oracle

Step-0   Double click on oracle.exe (setup)
                It will open following windows

Step-1   Hear you can specify   where to oracle install 
- Global database name specify   Global database name
- Database password specify password for login
                Then click to Next
It will open following window

Step-2 It will check product specific
                If any Error occurs then check manually by marking yes in check box  
                Then click to Next
It will open following window

Step-3   Hear just enter Registration information (CSI, country code)
                Then click to Next
It will open following window

Step-4 this window provide summary about oracle installation
                Must check for Global settings (sources, home address and installation type)
And requirement (for space, Language) must be satisfy
If anything goes then go Back and change setting
Otherwise click next.

Step-5   installation process is begin. It must be completed.
                After installation. Click to Next
It will open following window

Step-6   these 
window provide information about oracle (Database name, Location etc.).
                Password management provide password for all table and users
                At last click  OK  to complete installation.